We know from Muslim chronicles that in these Sierras of the Central system were established since the beginning of the Muslim conquest Berber tribes of the Rif Mountains and Yebala. We have news of tribes like that of the Banu L´Hidyara Settled on the southern slopes of the Central system, in the current province of Guadalajara, as attested by the subsequent Arab toponymy. They were tribes that endured conditions of extreme hardness imposed by the Arab elite, producing already in the 741 the first of the many revolts starring these people. The mountains of Guadarrama and Gredos were thus immersed in continuous bloody struggles which provoked its depopulation for a long time.
For three centuries the summits of the Central system constituted the so-called next or middle border, where the cities of Talavera, Toledo and Guadalajara, and more in front of the fortresses of Madrid and Salamanca were key points in the defense of the Territory against Christian incursions. They lived all of them in a permanent state of alert before the proximity of the armies Christians. No It will be until the XI and XII, after the definitive transfer of the border line to the Tagus, when the ideal conditions for the new settlers, Segovians mainly, settle in a stable form in the south slope of the Guadarrama, known as the Tras-Sierra or Allee Sierra. It begins here a long dispute between the councils of Segovia and Madrid for the control of these lands. It will not be until the 13th century, 1268, when the Crown intervenes in the dispute, incorporating to the Crown the contested territories, implanting the center of the royal possessions in what will be known here in the future as the real of Manzanares. But little will last the real jurisdiction over these territories because, in 1287, Sancho IV resolves in favor of the Council of Segovia returning to him what historically had been territories Segovia, for later to pass to the hands of the Infante Alfonso, grandson of Alfonso X, As compensation for their aspirations Fustradas to the throne. 1383 is the date in which Miraflores de la Sierra passes to the house of the Mendoza, future Dukes of the Infanta, in the person of D. But González de Mendoza, along with the other places of the Real. All of it as one of the many Mercedes That Henri II of Trastámara was obliged to grant his subjects in his war with his brother Peter I.
After the time, on the Christmas Eve of 1523, the Emperor Charles V will grant the title of Villazgo to Carr, Guadalix and Swine husbandry, with own authority and jurisdiction, being disconnected from the jurisdiction of Manzanares that they remained very to after hand to the people of These peoples in their legal litigation when it comes to imparting justice. As the letter of privilege literally says: "... and it is our mercy and will that they have e They may have in them and in each of them gallows and pillory and snare, and chain, and Açote, and all other insignia of jurisdiction... ". Although economically and in the major legal matters it will continue to depend on the seigniory until its definitive abolition of these in 1837.