How to get
There are several ways to reach Miraflores de laSierra:
By car from Madrid
- Take theM-607 and at Colmenar Viejo, take the exit for Miraflores.
- Take the N-I,exit the motorway at Venturada, go along the M-608 to Guadalix de la Sierra, then take the M-629 to Miraflores.
By car from the North
- Take the A-I direction Madrid to km. 50. Exit at Venturada, take the M-608 to Guadalix de la Sierra,andthe M-629to Miraflores.
- Take the AP-6 direction Madrid to km. 47, turn off at Guadarrama, and take the M-614 direction Navacerrada where it joins the M-607. Continue to Cerceda, turn left onto the M-608 to Soto del Real and join the M-609 which goes to Miraflores.
- From Segovia take the CL-601 via theNavacerrada pass, continue along the M-601 to the turn off with the M-607wherethe route joins the aboveitinerary.
There is a bus from Madrid to Miraflores de la Sierra which leaves from the bus station located in the Plaza de Castilla. (Línea 725).
A taxi service is available: Ángel Redondo Gutiérrez. Tel. 615278090.
Descargar callejero.